Christine Brown

headshot of Christine BrownChristine Brown spent much of her career supporting non-profit organizations and their leaders to expand and enrich their capacity and the reach of their missions. Prior to moving to the social sector, she held senior leadership positions in marketing and customer service for consumer product and telecommunications firms. As the Associate Executive Director of the Fresh Air Fund in New York City for nine years, she streamlined operations, improved volunteer and community relations and upgraded technology.

Christine has worked as a Leadership Development Consultant for more than 20 years. In this capacity, she has mentored executives to expand their leadership skills and vision, encouraged boards to embrace their governance and fund development roles and nurtured growing organizations to invest in the people, processes and systems that will sustain them. Recently she has used her experience and skills to support several New Jersey organizations in board leadership roles.

Christine is a graduate of Penn State and earned an MBA from George Washington University and a MSW from Columbia University.